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Below are some tips to keep in mind to ensure that you remain compliant with your taxes. Because each state has its own tax rules, knowing the differences between these states is vital. Below, we will go through a few of the more common issues related to taxes between states. Some states tax income of residents and non-residents, while others only tax income of residents. Independent contractors who work remotely always have tax obligations related to their work.

Or if the exercise makes your head explode, this may be a year to seek professional tax help. That’s probably the best approach anyway if you telecommuted from multiple states, accountants say. Such are the complex tax considerations for millions of people who have been telecommuting during the pandemic and working in a different state from their usual workplace. So if you worked in a state other than your usual one in 2020, here are some tips on dealing with the tax season. Most other self-prep platforms charge around that amount for each state return, so you could save $50+ just by filing with us. If you must work from home to keep your job, your employer state can’t tax you.

If my employer’s state uses the Convenience of Employer rule, will I owe income taxes in that state?

There are many different types of remote employees, and they each have different circumstances that can affect taxation. If you’re unsure how your state or local tax codes affect you, then it’s a good idea to work with a local tax professional to avoid overpaying or underpaying your taxes. Remote workers who live and work in different states need to pay extra attention to state and local taxes. US businesses that hire international remote workers who don’t meet these criteria can potentially face penalties at home and abroad. However, you may owe taxes in the US if you earn more than $100,000 per year, so you must check your tax responsibilities before you file a tax return to avoid generating tax debt. Watch the video above to learn why corporate America is pushing against remote work, how remote workers feel about the pushback, and what this workplace trend tells us about the U.S. job market.

Regarding remote workers state income tax, working from home means paying state income tax to your home state. But not all remote workers “work from home.” To illustrate the different scenarios that remote work often refers to, let’s explore different types of remote work arrangements. There are also state income taxes and state unemployment tax assessment (SUTA) taxes that can differ by location.

You work from home…but where do you pay taxes?

Remote work is celebrated by workers across industries primarily because it presents workers with more freedom. However, when neglected, the tax how do taxes work for remote jobs complications of remote work present significant downsides. Work arrangements often arise when an employee commutes to work from out of state.